The Client
Liehs and Steigerwald is a traditional German Meat market located on Syracuse’s Northside. They have been proudly serving the Syracuse area since 1936.
The Problem
Liehs & Steigerwald is a well-established meat market with an outstanding reputation. An aging client base, suburban expansion, and large grocery retailers were causing this premium German meat market with a rich history to be forgotten. Many local meat markets were suffering, but Liehs and Steigerwald was holding its own. How could they rekindle the Steigerwald name and brand as well as increase profits, and even expand?
The Solution
Research has discovered that CNY residents had actually forgotten about Liehs and Steigerwald, and they needed to be reminded to revisit their old friends. It was time to once again experience tasty memories from the past. A robust radio and digital marketing campaign connected with old and new customers alike. The Zoey team helped design well branded and professional signage, as well as the “Steigerwald’s on Wheels,” mobile unit equipped to take premier brand cooked and uncooked meats to the suburbs, and special events throughout Central New York.
Print Advertising
The Results
Liehs & Steigerwald has had a noteworthy resurgence of old faces and many new customers are finding their way to the market, who regularly return for the amazing premium and many locally sourced meats that can only be found there. The mobile unit has gained notoriety and has become very popular at special events. Marketing solutions have increased profits and created greater opportunities for growth.